Hi everyone...I'm back!! :)
Sorry for the extended absence...I was caught up in the land of "Life", forced to take an unexpected vacation.
Leo and I have gone through many changes in the last month. New jobs, new working hours, part-time to full-time, sick children, and learning how to adjust to it all.
Leo has found a new job that will take him from a temporary employee to a permanent one. FINALLY!!!! It's much busier than his prior job. He absolutely loves it, but he doesn't even have the time to call me during the day anymore.
I have adjusted my work hours, so I work full-time overnights now. It is quite difficult adjusting to not sleeping at all at night now, only sleeping for a few hours during the morning...if I don't have to juggle doctor's appointments in between. All of this and then we all got sick one right after the other, but I think I've gotten it all figured out now.
So, here I am, once again...I'm back!
I don't know how you juggle it all.
Welcome back x
It's not easy, but I see it as a sacrifice for my children. That way we don't have to have a babysitter. Once they're both in school, then it will be much easier...but until then our children spend plenty of time with mom or dad.
So glad you're back Maysha! Your kids are so lucky to be spending a lot of time with you and Leo. I wish I could have a similar arrangement. AM working on it.
It's great in lots of ways...in some other ways it's not. There are more pros than cons though. Our family is worth all the sacrifice we make.
You are absolutely right.
I had forgotten how much fun this was!
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