Leo and Sharon J have tagged me...and I tag anyone and everyone who wants to do this. I'm not sure what happened to letter H, but if someone can come up with something let me know. Enjoy!
A is for age: 24 years old. (Once i hit 25...that's where I'm sticking. That's a good number for me)
B is for beer of choice: Yuengling Black & Tan or Heineken
C is for career: Currently in retail, but future goals are to be a Cosmetologist specializing in Hair Styling and Makeup...amongst other things.
D is for favorite Drink: For the moment it's Cherry Coke...I'M ADDICTED!!
E is for Essential item you use everyday: hands
F is for Favorite song at the moment: Let Her Cry by Hootie & the Blowfish
G is for favorite Game: It used to be Monopoly...but Leo ruined it for me. I like the game of Life.
I is for Instruments played: None. Although I've always wanted to play the flute and I used to play the recorder in school.
J is for favorite Juice: Orange (with the pulp).
K is for Kids: 2 amazing girls.
L is for last kiss: Leo before he left for work.
M is for marriage: 4 1/2 years. July makes 5 already...time flies.
N is for full Name: Maysha Arce
O is for Overnight hospital stays: A few times...3 times by the time I was about 8 or 9...and 2 more times for the birth of our daughters.
P is for phobias: I prefer not to share...it kind of freaks me out that other people know what it is.
Q is for quote: The best proof of love is trust. Joyce Brothers
R is for biggest Regret: None. I've learned from all of my mistakes and if I would have done anything differently, then I might not be where I am now...with the people that I love.
S is for sports: Football, Softball and Volleyball.
T is for Time you wake up: 1:30am 5 days a week and at about 8 or 9am the other 2 days.
U is for color underwear: Baby Blue
V is for Vegetable you love: Corn.
W is for Worst Habit: Biting my nails.
X is for X-rays you’ve had: My teeth.
Y is for Yummy food you make: Pork Chops.
Z is for zodiac sign: Leo. Although I don’t read it or believe in it.
Good List!
And how did I ruin Monopoly?
OMG, you're up at 1:30 am? Is it feeding time?
Leo- we both know why you ruined Monopoly...don't make me have to tell everyone.
Menchie- I start work at 2am and I work until 7am 5 days a week. So I'm very used to being up at that time already. It's not easy, but it's the things that you do for your children...we don't need a babysitter because of the way we have our schedule worked out. The kids are always with one of us. They never know I'm gone.
I loved this post. I feel that I know you more. We have so much in common and I'm hoping that we'll meet up one day.
But of course I hate you because you are sooooo young and gorgeous!
Young and gorgeous???...please...the pictures that you have seen are my favorite pictures of when I started to date Leo and of course our wedding...I may be young but i don't look quite the same anymore, especially not after the babies. But thank you...I'm very flattered by that comment.
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