Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Tag of Four

I was tagged by Leo...I enjoy being tagged.
Here we go...

Four jobs I’ve had:
1) Cashier
2) Customer Service Manager
3) Training Coordinator
4) Jewelry Department Manager

Four places I’ve lived:
1) Chester, Pennsylvania
2) Dover, Delaware
3) Cidra, Puerto Rico
4) New Castle, Delaware

Four favorite foods:
1) Ice Cream
2) Rice and Beans
3) Chicken (dark meat)
4) Chicken Cheesesteak

Four movies I could watch over and over:
1) Pride and Prejudice
2) Ever After
3) The Lake House
4) Never Been Kissed

Four TV shows I enjoy:
1) Extreme Makeover- Home Edition
2) Heroes
3) How Do I Look?
4) Clean House

Four places I’ve traveled:
1) Puerto Rico
2) Springfield, MA
3) Orlando, FL (Disneyworld)
4) New York

Four places I’d like to visit:
1) Tuscany, Italy
2) London, England
3) Paris, France
4) Canada

Four websites I go to daily:
1) Comcast.net (for my email)
2) My Bank website
3) My blogroll
4) Realtor.com (I am so ready for a house)

Four people I tag to do this list:
I only thought of two that haven't done it yet...
Menchie, Sharon J


Menchie said...

Oh great that you tagged me. I wanted to do this next.

And OMG, I loved Ever After! Never get tired of this. Never, ever! I wished I could wear her gown at the ball -- the one with wings.

Anonymous said...

Great list...although I have to say you have a whole lot of girlie movies on there.

Just Me said...

Menchie- I saw Ever After a few days ago...and it had been a while since I had seen it. OMG...I forgot how great that movie is. And that is a good dress...but I particularly like the one that she has on when she's married with the prince and they bring her stepmother to the castle to uncover her mischief...It would make me look like a queen, don't you think?

Leo- I am a girl you know...and don't try to act like you don't enjoy those movies and that you don't get emotional when you see them with me... :-)

Caroline said...

What is Chicken Cheesesteak?

I am sooooo with you on the girlie films. Wouldn't it be great to all get together and watch a girlie film. Oh I'd love to do that. Ooooh and a sleepover. Menchie would like that.

Oh why can't you all just come around and see me?


Just Me said...

Caroline- A chicken cheesesteak is basically chicken, cheese, ketchup, mayonaisse, fried onions...and it's fried and it's put into a bread roll...you have to taste it...it is sooooo good.

Maybe I'll bring some over when we watch our girlie movies. I'll bring Ever After...

Menchie said...

And can I just add, the part when he got down on his knees and asked her to marry him...OMG,OMG,OMG,OMG,OMG!!!

I'm game for a sleepover and girlie films. As long as there will be chocolates. I am so due for chocolate.

Anonymous said...

Oh blimey! Tomorrow... definitely tomorrow (I think!).

Had to laugh at you telling Leo that you're a girl. Somehow I think he may well already have discovered that :-)

Anonymous said...

Sharon J has tagged me to do this (I think tagging means I have to write my four things so thats what I will be doing). I love the wedding photo. Is it long since you tied the knot?

Just Me said...

Menchie- without chocolate there would be no girlie movie...it's a must have.

Sharon J- thank you so much for visiting...we should have a girlie night soon...Caroline needs to let us know when to come over.

Gary- We've been married for 4 1/2 years now...thank you for the visit and the compliment. I'll be checking out your blog.