Thursday, August 16, 2007

A New Home to Go Along With the New Job

I have a new home!!

It's wonderful!!

I have found an apartment that feels like a house when you're in it!!

And the best part of it all is that it's right over the office where I work!!

I go downstairs to work!!

Although I must say that it has been very hectic for the last 2 weeks. Because, you see, I got my new job and for the first week I worked both jobs so that I would not leave the other place high and dry with no notice...Then for the following week I had all of the packing to do so I got nothing done in my old house because THE MESS WAS EVERYWHERE!! Then this last weekend that went by we did the actual moving and now the mess has come from the old house to the new one. So I'll be having much fun unpacking and reorganizing for this week.

But it's still great that now we live in a much nicer area than before, with a much better feel of a house and I'M SO CLOSE TO WORK IT'S SICK!

I'm so happy, I'm so happy, I'm so happy, I'm so happy...Oh I forgot that I'm at work.

Better go and start doing something. Talk to you soon blogworld.


Caroline said...

Happy settling in ... new job, new house ... these things are supposed to come in 3s ....



Just Me said...

funny...i'll think of something else.

Wait...I got it!...No I don't. I'll have to get back at you with that one.